born 1983 in tübingen | currently living and studying photography at the university of applied science and art in Dortmund.
since 2016 part of the duo lom-of-LaMa
a w a r d s
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O3JECT / Silver A' Design Award Winner for Graphics and Visual Communication
current state / Life Framer theme 10: Still Life / shortlisted
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vom rauschen der warmen materie / marta hoepffner award for photography / nomination
g r o u p e x h i b i t i o n
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O3JECT / NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf
O3JECT / Cube design museum, Holland
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duck & cover / there is such thing as society, filmwerkstatt, düsseldorf
raise your flag / feldstärke, pact zollverein, essen
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vom rauschen der warmen materie / die krise des sichtbaren, pasinger fabrik, münchen
0,01 quadratmeter abhörsicherer raum für zuhause / moving plot – moving people, Dortmunder U
j.well - o f f / moving plot – moving people, Dortmunder U
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südsefrüchte am spieß / bilderwander photo festival, burgsteinfurt
vom rauschen der warmen materie / die begabten zuschauer, atelier & galerie 52, essen
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stones&fiction / bilderwander photo festival, burgsteinfurt
südseefrüchte am spieß / instant, dortmund
group work - syncronised swimming / podest, dortmund
p u b l i k a t i o n
hant magazin, Der Greif
s o l o e x h i b i t i o n
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norway, ksk kirchentellinsfurt